Representative birds include American Black Duck, Purple Sandpiper, Yellow Rail, Yellow-bellied Flycatcher, Black-backed Woodpecker, Boreal Owl, as well as Mourning, Palm, Bay-breasted, Connecticut, Cape May, Magnolia, and Tennessee Warblers.
Coastlines and offshore areas in the east are important year-round for breeding and wintering seabirds.
Habitat Joint Ventures:
BCR strategies:
- Strategy for BCR 8NL and MBUs 10 & 12 NL: Boreal Softwood Shield, Newfoundland-Labrador Shelves, and Gulf of St. Lawrence PDF
- Strategy for BCR 8ON: Boreal Softwood Shield PDF
- Strategy for BCR 8PNR: Boreal Softwood Shield PDF
- Strategy for BCR 8QC: Boreal Softwood Shield PDF