Beaver ponds and shores of undisturbed lakes and ponds provide excellent waterfowl breeding habitat, particularly for American Black Duck, Hooded and Common Mergansers, and Common Goldeneye. The Hudson and Connecticut River valleys are important corridors for Brant, Green-winged Teal and other waterfowl migrating from New England and Quebec.
Because inland wetlands freeze, coastal wetlands are used extensively by dabbling ducks, sea ducks and geese during winter and migration.
Habitat Joint Venture:
BCR strategies:
- Strategy for BCR 14NB and MBUs 11 & 12 NB: Atlantic Northern Forest, Bay of Fundy and Gulf of St. Lawrence PDF
- Strategy for BCR 14NS and MBUs 11 & 12 NS: Atlantic Northern Forest, Scotian Shelf and Bay of Fundy, and Gulf of St. Lawrence PDF
- Strategy for BCR 14PEI and MBU 12PEI: Atlantic Northern Forest and Gulf of St. Lawrence PDF
- Strategy for BCR 14QC: Atlantic Northern Forest PDF